Jewelry / Make-up Vanity

Happy Saturday! We are lounging this morning but I'm super excited to be doing a craft night with some of my girlfriends later tonight!

We have what we like to call the “nook”.  Its a small hallway/room that connects our bedroom to another bedroom and the bathroom upstairs.  It’s not very big but I thought it was a great spot to display my jewelry and maybe even do my make-up.  I have been on the look out for a desk or vanity to put up there since we moved in last May.  A couple months ago I found exactly what I was looking for.  And for $25, I couldn't pass it up!  

Crappy cell phone screen shot

I knew I wanted to change the color, so I was debating on staining it or painting it.  After getting it home I realized staining it wasn't an option.  So I decided to finally try chalk paint.  I picked up Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Gray and the clear wax.  I don't have any during pictures, but it was pretty straight forward.  The nice thing about chalk paint is that it doesn't require you to sand or prime. For someone like me who doesn't have patience for prep work, this was great.  I removed the mirror and arms for the mirror as well as removed the seat top from the base.  I painted everything with 2 layers of chalk paint, including the handles.  

Once it was all dry, I applied 3 coats of the clear wax.  Be sure to let the wax dry/cure for several hours before the next coat.  You can buff the wax once it's dry to adjust the look of it.  In between the coats of paint, I also reupholstered the seat cover.  As much as I wanted to do something really fun for the fabric, I couldn't find the right one.  Thankfully, JoAnn Fabric's remnant section had the perfect fabric.  

I love the way this turned out!  

It fits perfectly in our little nook.  I added the hooks for some of my longer necklaces.  The mirror on the wall will be getting a fresh, new coat of paint soon and the wall across from the vanity will be getting something really exciting added!

The top drawer pulls out and it felt lined to store rings.  The next two drawers have felt lined dividers for earrings and the bottom is a small door made to look like 3 more drawers.  The door on the side swings out and has hooks for more necklaces as well.

Let's hope with all this organization that I'll finally start wearing my jewelry.  It helps that it is all now right in the open and easily accessible.

I hope you like the transformation as much as I do!


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